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The life of a WAHM

Updated: May 23, 2020

Coming soon... :) Though for a mom "soon" means... when I finally have a free moment to breathe and let what little amount of mom-brain I have left process some deep thoughts. All before someone screams out "MOM!! have you seen my shoe?". But, in all honesty, thats never going to happen. Because this is my happy life. My never a dull moment with 3 boys, a husband and a home business life. I will definitely not promise a new blog post each week, but thats my wish. Reality is it may happen only once in a blue moon.

For now I leave you with a picture of my bunch. They are my life and joy. I wouldn't have this business if it weren't for them. 9 years ago when my first born was a few months old I found my self wishing I could make matching shirts for all his cloth diapers. A few weeks later arrived my first sewing machine. I spent months self learning how to sew. Never had I ever used a sewing machine. I started learning the basics, a straight stitch and then went on to making shirts, pants, hoodies, dresses and the rest is history. Close to 6 months after getting my sewing machine I opened up Lil Monkey Business. Can you guess what my favorite animal is...? Yup you guessed it, monkeys!! Now, let me tell you sewing with 1 baby was a breeze, specially because he was the definition of a perfect baby... then came 2 & 3.. and all my monkeys were no longer in a row LOL!! But here I am 9 years later running a business from home, homeschooling my boys, taking care of a home, being a wife and loving every second of it. Breathing and sleeping is overrated anyways.

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